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(Click Here to Download 2024 Membership Handbook)


Members' Guidelines & Club Rules


The following information is provided to give background on the Seneca Yacht Club organization, activities, rules and guidelines with the purpose of ensuring that the utilization of Club facilities will conform to those rules and standards considered to be in the best interest of the total membership. We want the privilege of membership to carry with it the expectation that an enjoyable social and recreational program is assured. Only the full cooperation and consideration of the rights of others can this be guaranteed.


The following sections cover:

Clubhouse & Grounds

Special Events

Camping Policy



Boats & Docks


Additional Info.


Clubhouse & Grounds


The Clubhouse has four main sections:

Lounge and Kitchen, Men's Locker and Dressing Room, Women's Locker and Dressing Room and The Loft


  • Use of the Kitchen and Lounge - including the stove, refrigerator, and sink - is available to all members. The privilege of use carries with it the responsibility of leaving the facilities and equipment in reasonable order so that others may enjoy them. In particular, perishable foods should not be left in the refrigerator to spoil, and spilled items should be cleaned up.

  • The Loft may be used for the open storage of boat parts.

  • A limited number of Lockers are available. These are assigned and a fee is charged for their use. Contact Jim Gindling for more information at (585)545-9323 or

  • The use of the Club facilities for Group Parties must be approved in advance. A fee will be assessed for additional steward's expense. The Private Party Request Form, a pdf document, can be downloaded here and provides additional information.

  • There is a Club Telephone available for use of the members for local calls. As a courtesy, it is appreciated if a nearby person will answer it when it rings. Only collect or credit card long distance calls can be made on this telephone.

  • There are a number of Grills, Picnic Tables, garbage cans, etc. on the grounds for your use. Try to treat the grounds as you would your own, and show appropriate care.

  • Parking is limited to the east side of the road.

  • The Ice Machine in the Lounge has a limited capacity. Do not use ice from this machine to fill coolers or other containers. Also, do not store beverages or food in this ice machine.

  • A steward is employed to do routine cleanup from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Since this is not a full-time job, your cooperation in helping to keep the club clean and tidy is required. If there are complaints, please notify the Commodore or Vice Commodore.

  • Last One Lock Up!  Members should check to see whether anyone is on the premises when they leave. The last one to leave the club should see that all doors and windows are locked securely and that the lights are out. Keys may be obtained from the Treasurer for a small fee. The door key also operates the padlocks on the entrance gates.

  • NO DOGS are permitted on the premises at any time.


The House and Grounds Committee has responsibility for the maintenance of the physical facilities of the Club.


Special Events


Standard club activities include a Fitting Out Party in the Spring, Hauling Out Party/Annual Meeting in the Fall. In the Summer, the Memorial Day Weekend, Fourth of July Weekend and Labor Day Weekend have special activities. Other events may be scheduled and notices of all will be mailed to members.


Unless otherwise stated, Club dinners are for members and out-of-town guests only. When reservations are requested, please respond by the stated deadline.


Special regattas require much cooperation and assistance to make them a success. When these are scheduled, it is understood that the membership as a whole is invited, and not just the sailors.


Camping Policy


Camping on SYC property:

  • Camping on SYC property, with the exception of camping on boats at the docks or moorings, is permitted only with the permission of an SYC Board Director.

  • Any member(s) wishing to camp for longer than two nights in the east or south field must ask for permission from an SYC board member.

  • Members who are parents of minors (up to and including age 18) may apply to any Board member for permission to allow such minors to camp on SYC property with approved adult supervision.

  • Seneca Yacht Club has two primary camping areas: the east field and the south field.

  • Camping is only permitted inside the fence during regattas by regatta participants and only for the duration of the regatta. All tents and camping gear needs to be removed by 9:30 a.m. on the final day of the regatta. Should the weather be a factor, tents may be left up beyond 9:30 a.m. but need to be removed as soon as reasonably possible.

  • Camping in the clubhouse is not permitted at any time.

  • Upon receiving a camping request and granting approval, the granting Board Member must notify the full Board of the granted permission at his/her earliest convenience. (e.g., names of approved campers, duration of stay, camping location, name of supervising adult of any minors).


To Request Permission to camp call, text or email: Chrissy Bennett West 585-203-7102 or




It is essential that Official Rules concerning guests be abided by. Please read them carefully, for they will be enforced.


  1. Non-members, whether resident or non-resident, may have the privileges of the Club for not more than for (4) days in any one season when accompanied by a member. This restriction does not apply to house guests.

  2. Members of recognized yacht clubs visiting the Club with their guests shall be entitled to the privileges of the Club.

  3. The Board of Directors may extend the privileges of the Club to such persons and for such periods as it may decide.




It is understood that Yacht Club membership involves family participation and enjoyment. Parents should be particularly aware of the fact that noisy children on the main Club grounds may detract from the enjoyment of other members. Please keep your eye on them, and encourage them to be courteous of others.


  1. The Boat Hoists must not be used by children.

  2. Parents are responsible to be certain that their children do not play in, or climb on, other people's boats, the Committee Boats, or on the hoists.

  3. Groups of children playing should be kept to the South Playground and supervised.


Boats & Docks


Any member of the Seneca Yacht Club who owns a boat has use of the docks and hoists.


  • Docks are to be used for short-term dockage only. All boats, except Club-owned vessels, must tie up parallel to the dock which is being used.

  • If, for some legitimate reason, it is necessary to dock any vessel for a period exceeding two days at a Club dock, the owner of the vessel must request permission from the Commodore or Fleet Captain.

  • Occasionally, special events at the Club require overnight mooring of racing class sailboats. Notice of regattas will be given to the membership in advance. When the club sponsors regattas, the docks are reserved for racing and committee boats and may not be used for tying up by members, except for those racing or being used by the race committee.

  • Members with boats who use the docks, parking ramp, hoists, or boat racks regularly are expected to pay a dock fee or capital improvement of the area.

  • Orderly parking of boats is a necessity.  

  • All boats kept at the Club are required to display an official Seneca Yacht Club sticker.

  • No boats are to be repaired on the lawn.




The size of the membership in the Club must necessarily be restricted because of the physical limitations of the Club facilities. Those members wishing to propose prospects for membership may obtain Membership Proposal forms from a Board Member. These are used as a basis for screening based on Club purposes, waiting list, qualifications of candidates, etc. before Board approval can be given. Acceptance for membership should not be implied until final Board action.


​Additional Information


The above may be construed to be a long list of rules and regulations. In fact, problems have arisen in connection with every item mentioned. Since, in many instances, such problems have been due to a lack of definition, rather than lack of cooperation, this set of guidelines is being distributed to all members as a matter of information.


We hope the membership will feel free to make its comments concerning the management known to the Board so that proper consideration may be given to any problems that occur.


Membership Categories:

Family Membership

Senior Family


Senior Single


(Note:  Initial Initiation Fee = One Year's Dues)


Additional Use Fees:

Boat Fees: In-Season Apron Storage & Moorings, Small Boat Racks


Main Clubhouse

Men's Lockers, Small/Large

Ladies' Lockers, Small/Large

Loft Area Lockers



Clubhouse and Grounds
Special Events
Camping Policy
Boats and Dock
Additiona Info.

3270 Boodys Hill Road | Geneva, NY 14456

Phone: 315-789-4564

Visit Us


©2023 by Seneca Yacht Club

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